Wednesday, April 30, 2014


All bolded quotes on "The Spell of the Sensuous" posts are credited to the author: David Abram

Monday, April 28, 2014

Motel Show

I purposely don't want to say too much about my work. I believe this piece should speak for itself. The research that I included, especially the quote and specific definitions of "secret" are important to the piece. (I was incredibly inspired originally by some old razors that I had saved, including some rusted ones. Hence the included image of an awesome rusted razor.) I don't know if it's incredibly important to know, but the piece is a combination of new, manipulated (like burned or purposely rusted), and old saved razors.


“We must see all scars as beauty. Okay? This will be our secret. Because take it from me, a scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, I survived.” 
-Chris Cleave

plural noun: secrets
  1. something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
    "a state secret"
    synonyms:confidential matter, confidence, private affair; More
    • something that is not properly understood; a mystery.
      "I'm not trying to explain the secrets of the universe in this book"
      synonyms:mysteryenigmaparadoxpuzzleconundrumposerriddle More
    • a valid but not commonly known or recognized method of achieving or maintaining something.
      "the secret of a happy marriage is compromise"
      synonyms:recipe, (magic) formula, blueprintkeyanswersolution
      "the secret of their success"

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Site Specific (Land)

This site specific performance was based around memory. The main place of the performance is Nelmar Terrace Park, but I do think that the walk from the old house that I used to live in to the park is also an important part of the piece. This place used to be an escape for me when I used to live in this area. When I was upset, sad, or manic, I would automatically go here. (The person who showed me this place is the guy in the video. An important note.) This song was almost always played while I was in this spot as well, which is why I chose to use it for the video. Each balloon has initials of people or events that I wanted to "let go". (This spot was specific for this performance because I needed to release this place as well.) The last balloon had my initials on it, and I was being let go (in a certain sense that needed to be) by someone close to me. Overall the site holds a lot of memories. This performance was about letting these memories go.

(song only) It's the song from the video

Song and Video

Some research about the actual spot...

"Tibbitts said that the "Optional irrigation supported seasonal conditions allowing neighborhood residents, students and faculty to meet together for community gardening. This spring’s further landscaping put the finishing touches on the excellent pocket park for our city’s current residents while restoring one small piece of our city’s identity."

(There is no community's abandoned...) 

"Looking like the extension of someone's manicured lawn, only a close inspection of nearby signage would ever tip the casual passerby that Nelmar Park is actually listed on the City of St. Augustine's roster of recreational options. It's only draw would appear to be a pleasant but unremarkable view of Hospital Creek."

Who knew my little site was a recreational option?

I fell in love with the quiet, (seemingly) abandoned, remote feel that it has.